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Joel Swayne Diary


would be a very disagreeable journey, however we concluded to leave the Oxen in the woods and try if we could get to the town, which we did with some difficulty being pretty tired and hungry, next day the cattle were brought home by some Indians After my return I was for several days engag in the Carpenter-works of a School House about half a mile from Genisshadego where the Indians propose building a new Town, while I was thus engaged I received information that agreeable to Cornplanters orders three of his men had ta-ken the life of an Indian Woman, who had been for some time past strongly suspected by the natives for having the art of witchcraft and was so despised that her husband put her away and took another woman for his wife, (which as the story goes) so enraged her, that she threatened to take the life of a young child a relation to her former husband. This circumstance very much agitated the minds of some of the Indians insomuch that Cornplanter ordered three of his men immediately to take her life, she being at that time at work in the cornfield