7th of 10 mo Henry Simmons took his depar-ture from Genesinguhta and set out for his native land Cornplanter and one of his men accompanying him as far asCanadarque now were are left but two in number about this time we killed a fat hog and a very fat beef we have a pretty plentiful supply of Corn and Potatoes and some buckwheat have this fall erected a small log barn and a smith shop and seem to have things pretty plen-tiful about us and we now begin to enjoy the fruits of our labour from the field 28th of 12 mo About this time two chiefs came from Cataraughus being on their way to Cornplanter, Village who delivered us a letter wrote on behalf of the Chiefs of that Village informing that they had received letter that was wrote and left at Buffalo Creek last fall by Joshua Sharpless &;c. which pleased them generally, and that they intended to follow the advice contained in it for they had already swallowed it in their breath and Hearts that they were going to lay up several hundred