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Joel Swayne Diary


the Indians continued about 20 Days in their usual mode of worship and dancing which I shall probably describe at a future time when I may have an opportunity of seeing them 25th of 3rd month By the arrival of T. King from Philad. we this Day received several Letters from our Relations and friends, amon-gst which was one from the Committee on Indian affairs which amongst other things contained the fllowing information viz Various consideration has induced us to believe it right to withdraw our friends from the Oneida Nation, several of the Indians have been instructed in the best mode of tilling this Land, and two or three young men have acquired so much knowlage in the Smiths Business as to be able to do what may be wanted in that line for the use of the Nation, so that by a proper applica-tion on their part, they will be assentially benefited by the Labours bestowed on them and that Jonathan Thomas &; Jacob Taylor neither of them felt released from further service amongst the Nations, and that the Committee