malicious white Man that my motives in coming here was to try to get a mile square of Land from them as I had been here ever since the settlement was first established for the improvement of the Natives, two Indians came to talk with us on the occasion and we endeavoured to convince them that the report was intirely groundless and that we did not want any of their Land nor other property for any of our service amongst them 26th of the month we received informa- of the Death of Hyute a young indian man that had been lately married who after about eight days illness died at his hunt-ing camp in the woods about 17 miles from home. The above information caused me some serious reflections, as he was a young man in the bloom of life and flower of his Days, and in health just a few days before, I was led to reflect on the uncertainty of our existance here in this world and how very necessary it is for every one to be prepared at any hour to meet the messenger of Death