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Joel Swayne Diary


run my very rapidly although it was thought to be a very favorable time to cross on account of the wind blowing up the oven which prevented all high from the lake, after landing in Canada we travelled about 10 miles up the Beach thence one mile inland to a friend from Jersey where we staid all my were kindly entertained &; went about 2 miles to Asa Schooleys where we met with Rowland, Isaac Wilson on Rachel Hunt Lydia Sharpless and Jane Crosson who were apart of the committee appointed to visit friends in Canada, a meeting was held at B Schooleys house, where about 40 people attended mostly friend it appeared to be a satisfactory opportunity in the afternoon by William &; myself took leave of J Pierce T Stewardson and other friends present and departed intending to neturn immediately homewards, we lodged that night Danl Pounds