From the people called Quakers, the Children and Descendants of those peaceable people who first settled in Pennsylvania, being the Friends of OnasTo Corn-planter the Seneca Cheif, or to Joseh Nicholson the Interpreter to be by him explain'd to the said Cheif. The written message of Corn-planter dated at Philad'. on the 10.' day of February last, was not received by us untill some weeks after. His request that we would take under our care two Seneca Boys, one of them his own son, accompanied with the son of Joseph Nicholson, we have considrd, and do agree to receive them when they can be conveniently sent to us, intending they shall be treated with care and kindness, and instructed in reading, writing and Husbandry as the Children of our Friends are taught. Governor of Pennsylvania, being when inform'd of this proposal, having express'd his approbation thereof, as did General Knox Sign'd on behalf and by appointment of a Meeting of the Repres. of the said people the 2 day of the 6 mo. called June 1791