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A Brief Account of the Proceedings of the Committee Appointed by the Yearly Meeting of Friends, Held in Baltimore for Promoting the Improvement and Civilization of the Indian Natives


will to men, which our holy profession incul-cates, there was not something for us, as aSociety, to do for them; towards their promoting theirreligious instruction, and knowledge of agricul-ture, and useful mechanic arts. A solemnity prevailing, the sentiments ofmany were expressed, evidencing a near sym-pathy with them. The meeting therefore unitedin recommending to our Quarterly and MonthlyMeetings, to open subscriptions amongst ourmembers for their relief; and appointed a com-mittee, to pay such attention to the interestingconcern, as they might be enabled to render. The committee, after having fully consideredthe subject of their appointment, concluded, asthe most effectual way of obtaining correct in-formation of the situation and disposition of theIndians, to appoint a deputation from amongstthemselves, to visit the Shawnees, Delawares,Wyandots, or other such nations, north-west ofthe river Ohio, as they might find practicable.The friends who were nominated to this service,having first obtained the approbation of Govern-ment, proceeded in the summer of 1796, as faras the forks of the Muskingum river, at whichplace, they had been informed that a consider-able number of Indians were collected; but