of them; that our roads and paths may nevermore be stained with the blood of our youngwarriors; and that our helpless women and chil-dren may live in peace and happiness. After a consideration of the foregoing com-munication, from the Wyandot Nation of Indians,the committee concluded to appoint a fewfriends to make them a visit, agreeably to theirrequest. These were directed to cultivate afriendly correspondence with them, and affordthem such assistance as they might be enabledto render. They accordingly proceeded in thevisit; with an intention of being at the GeneralCouncil; and after passing through several oftheir towns, arrived on the Third of the SixthMonth at Upper Sandusky, the principal vil-lage of the Wyandots, where they were receivedin a friendly manner, by Tarhie (the Crane),and others of that nation. Upon conferring with these Indians, it wasfound, that a mistake had been made in thetranslation of the speech, which they had sentto friends, respecting the time of opening theirgreat Council, to which Friends had been invited:who were now informed, that it began annuallyat the full moon, in the Sixth Month. Finding