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A Brief Account of the Proceedings of the Committee Appointed by the Yearly Meeting of Friends, Held in Baltimore for Promoting the Improvement and Civilization of the Indian Natives


it would be difficult to procure food for them-selves and horses there, until that time, the com-mittee concluded it was best, under their presentcircumstances, to propose to Tarhie, a con-terence with him and the other chiefs, whowere then at, and in the neighborhood of, San-dusky: which was accordingly agreed to; andat the time appointed, they met him and severalother chiefs, together with a number of theirhunters, at his own house; when they had afull opportunity with them on the subject oftheir visit. Their communication appeared to be receivedwith great satisfaction by the Indians; whoin their answer, delivered on some strings ofWampum, expressed the gratitude they felt, forthe care and friendship which their belovedbrethren, the Quakers, had always manifestedfor the Indians; and promised, as soon as thegrand Council met, that they would communi-cate fully to it, the concern which our Societyfelt for their improvement, and inform us by awritten speech of their conclusion thereon. Whilst these friends were at Sandusky andother villages, their minds were often deeplyaffected, under the sorrowful consideration ofthe baneful effects of spirituous liquor upon