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A Brief Account of the Proceedings of the Committee Appointed by the Yearly Meeting of Friends, Held in Baltimore for Promoting the Improvement and Civilization of the Indian Natives


My Brothers and Friends,We plainly perceive, that you see the veryevil which destroys your Red Brethren. It isnot an evil of our own making. We have notplaced it amongst ourselves. It is an evil placedamongst us by the white people. We look tothem to remove it out of our country. We tellthem, Brethren, fetch us useful things; bringgoods that will clothe us, our women, and ourchildren; and not this evil liquor, that destroysour reason, that destroys our health, that de-stroys our lives. But all we can say on thissubject, is of no service, nor gives relief to yourRed Brethren. My Brothers and Friends,I rejoice to find, that you agree in opinionwith us, and express an anxiety to be, if pos-sible, of service to us, in removing this greatevil out of our country: an evil which has hadso much room in it, and has destroyed so manyof our lives, that it causes our young men tosay, We had better be at war with the whitepeople. This liquor, which they introduce intoour country, is more to be feared than the gunand the tomahawk. There are more of us deadsince the treaty of Greenville, than we lost bythe six years of war before. It is all owing to theintroduction of this liquor amongst us.