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A Brief Account of the Proceedings of the Committee Appointed by the Yearly Meeting of Friends, Held in Baltimore for Promoting the Improvement and Civilization of the Indian Natives


Brothers,Having been encouraged by the opportu-nity which we then had, we sent to the care ofthe agent for Indian affairs, some ploughs, har-ness for horses, axes, hoes, and other imple-ments of husbandry, which were made for theuse of our Red Brethren; and desired that theymight be distributed amongst them, as tokensof our friendship. Brothers,We received last fall, through the handsof the agent for Indian affairs, a talk from theLittle Turtle, the Five Medals, and others, in-forming us that they had received the imple-ments of husbandry; and requesting that theirbrothers of Baltimore would send some of theirpeople into the country of their Red Brethren;for the purpose of seeing their situation, andshewing them how to make use of the tools:saying, they did not know how to begin. Brothers,It is for these purposes, that we have nowcome; and we again repeat, that we rejoice wehave this opportunity of seeing you, and oftaking you by the hand.