address. They respectfully manifested their ap-probation of the sentiments it contained, by re-iterated exclamations of applause, and the mostevident demonstrations of satisfaction. In re-ply, the Little Turtle delivered a speech on be-half of the council, from which the followingis extracted. Brothers and Friends,We rejoice, that the Great Spirit has ap-pointed that we should meet this day; for webelieve, this meeting will be of the utmost con-sequence to your Red Brethren. Brothres,The things you have said to us, require ourgreatest attention: it is really necessary, that we should deliberate upon them. In order to do so, we must beg you to leave the paper, uponwhich they are written, that we may communi- cate them to our chiefs, when they assemble inGrand Council. Brothers,You have been very particular in pointingout to us, the duties of our women; and youhave told us, that in adoptting your mode ofliving, our numbers would increase, and not