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A Brief Account of the Proceedings of the Committee Appointed by the Yearly Meeting of Friends, Held in Baltimore for Promoting the Improvement and Civilization of the Indian Natives


continue to diminish. In all this, I certainlyagree with you, and I hope my brother chiefswill also agree with you. Brothers,Assure your people who sent you here,tell your old chiefs, that we are obliged tothem, for their friendly offers to assist us, inchanging our present mode of living. Tell them,it is a great work, that cannot be done immedi-ately; but that we are the way disposed, andhope it will take place gradually. The committee remained several weeks a-mongst the Indians, during which time, theyvisited a number of their towns and villages, atall of which they were received in the mostfriendly and hospitable manner. In the course of their journey, they passedby a settlement of the Wyandots, at Brown’sTown, or the Rock. They found that the In-dians at this place, had, since the visit made byFriends to their nation, in the year 1799, ad-vanced considerably in agriculture: many ofthem having built comfortable houses, and ac-queried a considerable number of cattle, hogs,and other domestic animals. And they were in-formed from good authority, that the Wyandots,residing at Sandusky, as well as the Shawanees,