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A Brief Account of the Proceedings of the Committee Appointed by the Yearly Meeting of Friends, Held in Baltimore for Promoting the Improvement and Civilization of the Indian Natives


Indians on their return from their huntingcamps;and left with the family of Indians,with whom he resided, upon the farm he hadcultivated, 23 hogs and pigs, seven of whichwere in good order to kill, and he expectedwould weigh 1500 lb. These he engaged theagent to attend to the killing and salting of.They were small when brought to the farm inthe spring, and had no other food than what theygathered in the woods. With some assistance, which he obtainedfrom Fort-Wayne, he cleared and enclosed un-der a substantial fence twenty acres of ground,and built a house, thirty-two feet long and se-venteen feet wide, a story and a half high, withfloors and partition. He further reported that the Indians, whoremained with him, were very industrious, andattended to his directions. The young womenwished to work in preparing the ground andattending the corn. From this he dissuaded them;and as some spinning-wheels had just arrived atFort-Wayne, which had been sent by Govern-ment, he encouraged them to go there, andlearn to spin and knit, of a white woman whohappened to be at that place. This they did,and soon learned both to spin and knit ; and he