of their annuities expended in the employmentof men, to split rails, and make fences for them,the Delawares had twenty-three thousandrails put up into fences, the last winter; andthat forty thousand more would be made intofences for the Miami and Eel-River Indians, bythe first of the Sixth Month. He adds, that tenfamilies of the Miami have settled adjoining theplace cultivated by Philip Dennis; and thatfour men were employed in making rails tofence forty acres for them; also, that threepersons more were at work for the Eel-RiverIndians, half a mile below Dennis’s station;that they had twenty-five acres cleared andready for the plough, and he expected wouldhave fifty or sixty acres fenced in by the firstof the Sixth Month. He further adds, thathe expects at least twenty five families of In-dians will remove to reside at that place thepresent season, and he is confident the settlementwill increase very fast. The Indian who workedduring the last season with Philip Dennis wasabout building himself a comfortable house, hadcleared two acres more of ground, and wasploughing the field previously cleared by PhilipDennis. The hogs which were left there withhim, had increased to one hundred in number. The agent further says, that there would be