one hundred acres of land under good fence, atthe Little Turtle’s Town (eighteen miles northof Dennis’s station), by the first of the SixthMonth; where they had also obtained a largenumber of hogs, and some cows; and he doubtsnot, but that the Indians will soon see, that it iseasier to raise food, than to procure it by hunt-ing; and adds, Friends may see, from the greatprogress they have made in civilization, sincePhilip Dennis was with them, that they onlywant good and suitable men to reside amongstthem, and teach them how to work. Notwithstanding there are several other na-tons, who appear desirous of the assistance andcare of Friends; yet from the limited state ofour funds, we have heretofore been under thenecessity of confining our aid, principally, tothe Miami, Eel-River, and Weas Indians. It will be perceived, that during several yearsof the first labours of the committee, but littleprogress was made. This may be attributed, ina great measure, to the pernicious effects ofardent spirits amongst them. As soon as theintroduction of this great evil into their countrywas restrained, there was an immediate im-provement discoverable; and an almost univer-sal disposition seemed to pervade them, to aban-