At a yearly Meeting held in Baltimorefor the Western Shore of Maryland and theadjacent parts of Pennsylvania &; Virginia byadjournments from the to the of the 10 Mo 1795 A weighty concern being opened in thisMeeting respecting the difficulties and distress to whichthe Indian Natives of this land are subject—it obtained theserious attention of Friends, and many observations ware madeon the kindness of their ancestors to ours in the earlysettlement of this Country—exciting to a deep considerationand enquiry whether, under the influence of that exaltedbenevolence and good will to men which our holy Prof-ession requires; any thing, remained for us as a Societyto do, to promote their Welfare, Religious Instruction,Knowledge of Agriculture and useful Mechanic Arts,a solemnity and uniting Calm prevailing over the Meetingthe further consideration of it is refered till tomorrow. The Subject of the distressed Indian natives beingagain revived, the sentiments of many Brethren expressed,and a prevailing Sympathy felt, it appears to be theunited sense of this Meeting that it be recommended toour quarterly and Monthly Meetings to take thisconcern into serious consideration and open subscriptionsamong our Members for their relief. The encouragementof School Education Husbandry and the Mechanic