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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


Elias Ellicott was appointed to receive the severalsums of many subscribed in the Yearly Meeting and alsosuch sums as may be subscribed in the different Mon-thly Meetings within the limits of the Yearly Meeting. John Brown and John McKim were appointed acommittee of correspondence. On consideration of a time for the Committee again tomeet it is agreed to be at Pipe Creek in the 5th Mo next atthe tim of Warrington Quarterly Meeting unless it shallappear to the corresponding Members from Accounts, rec-eived to be necessary to meet at an earlier period, in whichcase they are requested to appoint the most convenientplase and time for meeting and notify the membersthereof. At a Meeting of the committeeon Indian affairs held at Pipe Creek 22 5 Mo 1796 10 Members being present a letter from the correspondingCommittee on Indian affairs in Philadelphia beingproduced was read being as follows. Philad.3rd Mo 22, 1796 Dear Friends The Committee under appointmentof our last yearly meeting for promoting the welfare ofthe Indian natives have had divers conferences onthat interesting concern, and selected from theirNumber a sub. committee of 15 friends to afford aclose attention thereto in the intervals between theadjourned Meetings of the committee at large