This committee believing that such a correspondenceas is mentioned in the foregoing letter may beuseful Israel Janney Caleb Kirk &; GouldsmithChandlee are appointed to prepare an answerand produce it to our sitting tomorrow. The subject of our appointment comingunder weighty consideration and it appearingto be the most effectual way of geting infor-mation respecting the situation and dispositionof the Indian Natives appoint John BrownJonathan Wright Israel Janney &; Moses Dillonto pay a visit to the Delawares Shawanese Wy-andott &; other Nations Northwest of the RiverOhio, or such part of them as they shall findfreedom approbation of government being firstobtained &; make report thereof when performed toa future siting of the committee and the friendsappointed to prepare an answer to the committee ofPhiladelphia are desired to prepare a letter to theIndians on the occasion and produce it forconsideration tomorrow Then adjourned to ½ past 8 o.Clock tommor-row morning 5 Mo 23. Eleven membersmetJoseph Bond is added to the committee to