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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


visit the Indians The committee yesterday appointed produceda letter in answer to that rec. from the committeeof Philadelphia which was approved and directed tobe signed by two friends and forwarded being asfollows Pipe Creek 5 Mo 23 1796Dear Friends The committee of ouryearly meeting having now met at this placeyour letter dated the 23 of the 3 Mo last was producedand read which was satisfactory, as also yourproposal of corresponding with us when subjectsrelative to the weighty concern respecting theIndian Natives offer which we unite with, believingthat a mutual correspondence governed by a deepattention to the concern bifore us may have its use The subject of our appointment having beenweightily before us it appears to us the most effect-tual way to get information respecting the IndiansNorth West of the river Ohio to appoint some ofour number to pay them a visit in consequence thereofwe have appointed five friends to that service John Brown Jonathan Wright of Monallan IsraelJanney Moses Dillon &; Joseph Bond, and as weapprehend it may be necessary to have the perm-ission of Government, therefore request your attentionto that subject and so far as you may think right