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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


to make application and procure what you maydeem necessary and forward as soon as convenientto our corresponding members John Brown &; JohnMcKim of Baltimore which being the most parti-cular of our business at this time we concludeYour friends Signed on behalf of the committee by A letter to the Indians being also producedand read after due deliberation thereon it wasconcured with it being as follows To the Chiefs of the Delawares Shawaneseand such other Nations of Indians as live conveni-ent to and North west of the River Ohio BrothersOur friends called Quakers at theirgeneral religious Council in Philadelphia havingagreed to take some of the Six Nations who live inthe North by the hand our religious Councilheld last fall in Baltimore were also concernedfor your welfare who reside in the West and toldus to endeavor to speak with you and get ac-quainted with your Nations for this purpose wehave sent our beloved brothers John Brown IsraelJanney, Jonathan Wright, Moses Dillon &; Joseph Bondto shake hands with you in your tents and to askif you wish to be instructed how to raise Corn