and were there informed by Ebenezer Zane a welldisposed man of good account in that place that anumber of chiefs and hunters had lately been about theforks of Muskinghum river and that he thought itlikely they could accomplish their business withthem to satisfaction they accordingly proceed agreeablyto this information but found the chiefs dispersed indifferent directions and that it was not practicableto get them convened in a suitable manner for ageneral conference—but were of opinion that if noticeof the intention of friends was intimated to theIndians in a suitable manner and they requestedto fix a time and place of meeting a satisfactoryconference might be obtained as the disposition ofsuch of them as they had opportunity of conversingwith appeared favourableThe intention of friends being now a little knownamongst the Indians unavoidably also amongst someother people and the funds to carry any thing of thiskind being yet too small, the business we think willrequire attention oftener than would be convenientfor the Yearly Meeting, and are of opinion thatif the care of it was transfered to the meeting forsufferings it would be useful and that some additionto our number in this weighty undertaking woudalso be useful all which we submit to the YearlyMeeting Signed on behalf of the Committee. By