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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


land a large Beaver blanket, that you youryoung men, your wives and children may rest easyunder the shade of the great tree of peace, Farewell To which one of the chiefs made the followingreply, Brothers, The head chiefs are very gladto hear what you have said to them, and thankyou for taking them by the hand, our youngwarriors, our woman and children are all glad tohear what you have said to us, as the greatSpirit above has appointed this day for us to meet, They also assured us they would communicateour message to their general council and returna full answer On enquiry we found that the Wyandotts were theprincipal nation that every thing of consequencemust be transacted in their council, that theycan transact business by themselves but the Dela-wares and Shawanese, have to apply to them whenany matter of importance is laid before them, Notwithstanding this information we took anopportunity of communicating the substance ofthe above address to one of two of the principalchiefs of the Delaware nation at Sandusky, butour Interpreter an old man of that nation not being