very perfect in the English Language, themselvesof our business, we thought did not seem so clearlycomprehended yet they treated us with civilityand informed us they would return an answer afterit had been laid before their council, Washington county Pennsyl.15. 9 Mon, 1797 Rees Cadwalader Joel Wright David Greave George Ellicott James Mendenhall &; Joel Wright areappointed to examine the State of the Stock andprepare a report to the ensuring Yearly Meeting&; produce it to our next siting then adjourned to3rd day next at the rise of the first sitting of theYearly Meeting 10 mo 10 At the time adjourned to 14 of the committeemet and agreed on the following report to the YearlyMeeting. To the Yearly Meeting now sitting in Balt. For the purpose of obtaining more full &; perfectinformation respecting the situation &; disposition ofthe Indians three of our number since last yearundertook a journey N. W. of the River Ohio andtraveled on a S. W. course from the Mouth of Wheelingon said river about 100 Miles to the Scioto 45Miles from its mouth thence up said River