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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


who reside in this country unless they alter theirpresent mode of living must in a few yearsfrom the scarcity of game be reduced to a Stateof extream want and distress and in order to awakenthe minds of these people to a reflection on thissubject and open before them the desire friends hadto afford them some assistance they had an oppor-tunity with some of the Chiefs &; hunters of theWyandot Nations on the great Miami &; of theDelawares at Sandusky and addressed them in ashort Speech of which the following is an extract BrothersBeing wise you can think what is tocome, your land your hunting ground is getingsmall, how will you your young men your wives &;children live when the Game is chased away off thelands lately given up to the white people, wheremany of you now hunt BrothersThe sons of Peace the Quakers havetaken your brothers who live near the great Lakes to theN. E. by the hand they are showing them how to liveon little Land, to raise corn enough for them to eat allthe year to make mills to grind their corn, to buildhouses and make clothes to keep them warm when theweather is could, to teach their children to read and write,