Brothers,We are not able to make you greatpresents but we want to know if you desire to beinstructed in these things, To which one of the Chiefs of the wyandottsreplied BrothersThe head chiefs are very glad tohear what you have said to them and thank youfor taking them by the hand, our young warriors,our woman and children are all glad to hear whatyou have said to us as the great Spirit above hasappointed this day for us to meet. Those Friends also examined the situation ofthe country in the neighbourhood of the head watersof the Miami Scioto and Sandusky rivers andfound most of the land to be of an extraordinaryquality for farming and on the head waters of theMiami some good situations for mills, Having proceeded thus far pursuant to thedirections of our last Yearly Meeting the committ-ee feel themselves streitned on account of the presentfund being altogether inadequate for enabling themto fulfil the benovelent intention of the Yearly Meetingit appearing to us that a less sum than 2000 dollarswould not answer the purpose for proceeding inthe business on a suitable plan and the sum