now in our Treasurers hands only amounting to about854 Dollars. Submitted to the Yearly Meeting andsigned on behalf of the committeeBalt. 10th Mo 10th 1797. Geo. Ellicott Joel Wright James Mendenhall Then Adjourned. At a Meeting of the Committee at Baltimore the 12thof the 10 Mo. 1797, present 15 Members. The accountof expences attending the late journey being producedand admitted, amounts to L 38.6.4 the Treasurer ofthe committee is directed to pay it out of the stock nowin his hands, On the consideration of a time to meetthe 4th our an 7th day P.M. preceding the Q. Meetingat Balt. in the 2 Mo. was proposed and agreed on—with liberty for the Members of the committee wholive on the West side of the Allegany Mts. if theyshould believe it necessary to call a Meeting at PipeCreek sooner by notifying the members. Then Adjourned At a meeting of the Committee at Baltimorein the 2nd Mon , the number being too small to proceedto procede to business adjourned to meet at Pipe Creekin the 5th Mon next,