At a Meeting of the Committee at Pipe Creek26th 5 Mon 1798, 6 Members only being presentadjourned to meet at Balt. at the close of theMeeting for Sufferings in 10 Mon next, At a Meeting of the Committee at Balt. 16th of10 Mo 1798 Present 17 Members. A letter to a member of the committeefrom John Hickewelder Agent for the MoravianSociety to the Indians was produced which being readappeared to contain an application on behalf of theMoravian Indians formerly residents on the Muskin-gum river who having been driven from their hab-itations in the time of the late war are nowreturning and represented to be in want of necessaryimplements of husbandry and provisions the subjectappearing to require time time for deliberation theCommittee adjourned to meet at the 7th Hour this evening Pursuant to adjournment 17 of the Committeemet and after some time spent in a solid attentionto the subject opened at last meeting it appears to bethe united sense of the committee present that itwill be right to appoint a few friends to inspectinto the circumstances of those Indians with libertyif they shall believe is necessary to afford them someassistance by the furnishing them with such assistance