which the chippeways &; ottoways two powerful Nationshave considerable influence and who have not yetbeen addressed on the subject proposed to the WyandotsShawanese &; Delawares Redstone 12 Mo 21 1798 Reese Cadwalader Joel Wright The Committee continued to proceed asway may open &; report when ready Then adjourned. At a special Meeting of the Committeeon Indian Concerns at Baltimore 3 Mo 23 1799 present 9 Members The following letter &; speech having beenreceived since last meeting were read To The committee appointed by the Meeting of MarylandYearly to promote to gradualcivilization of the Indian Natives Dear FriendsWe have for a considerable timepast believed advantage might arrise from anepistolary intercourse with each other for as ourrespective appointments direct the promotionof simular concerns a knowledge of each othersprospects of labour (should any have opened) amongstthe Natives west of the river Ohio may be moreespecially useful the Miami Nation have madea request to us for some friends to settle amongst