it is probable Jonathan Shefflin will remainhere until the end of next month, it is desirablethe same may be forwarded as early as convenientwe are aware that Indians very generally take aspromises what may be suggested to them fortheir consideration as probable to take place ifthey unite with it, we have of late been veryguarded in our communications with them asthe more we become acquainted with the IndianCharacter the greater necissity we perceive forit Signed on behalf and by direction of theCommittee Appointed by our Yearly Meeting forthe Civilization of the Indian NationsTho. Wistar Clk.Phila. 2 Mo 27 1799 Speech delivered by the Crane principalChief of the Wyandot Nation of Indians onbehalf of the whole of said Nation at Detroit8 day of Sept. 1798 Addressed to the people called Quakers Brethren QuakersYou remember that we oncemet at a certain place; when we had met at that certa-in place a great many good things were said, andmuch friendship was professed between us, Brethren—you told us at that time when we met together: Thatyou not only took us by the hand, but that youheld us fast by the arm, That you then formed a