10 Mo 16 1799about the time adjourned to 11 of the Committeemet The friends appointed to prepare a report tothe Yearly Meeting produce the following whichwas agreed on To the Yearly Meeting now sitting The Meeting was last year informed that asub committee was appointed to visit someIndians on the Muskinghum with liberty if theyshould believe it necessary to afford them someassistance, who last spring reported that they hadmade some provission for 8 or 10 families on theTurkerawars branch of that river who appeared ina situation of distress, they also provided severalkinds of farming utensils which are not yetdelivered to the Indians Soon after this report was received a Speechfrom the principal Chief of the Wyandots wasreceived by the way of Philad. of which the followingis a copyFor which see Page 32on the invi-tation contained in this speech from the Indiansfive Friends were appointed to attend their Councilat San Dusky at the time they had proposed four ofwhom proceeded on the Journey and have produced