The following newspaper accounts are tipped-in The Editors having obtained a genuine copy ofthe proceedings of a committee appointedby the yearly meeting of the respectable socie-ty of Friends, in two conferences with theIndian chiefs who lately passed throughthis city on their way to the federal govern-ment, feel no small degree of pleasurein having it in their power to gratify aninquisitive public with the interesting con-tents. CERTIFICATE. THE subscriber certifies, that the fol-lowing communications were written byhim in short-hand as they were deliveredat two conferences held in the city ofBaltimore on the 26th and 27th, of 12thmonth 1801, between several Indian chiefsresiding on the waters of the Wabasu,Lake Erie and Lake Michigan, and thecommittee for Indian affairs appointed bythe yearly meeting of the society of Friendsheld in Baltimore—at which were alsopresent many others of the society ofFriends, and people of different religiouspersuasions; and that it is acknowledgedby those who were present, that the com-munications are taken down with accuracy.GERARD T. HOPKINS. I have perused the following speeches,written in short hand by Gerard T. Hop-kins, as they were delivered in the city ofBaltimore, by the Indian chiefs, the LittleTurtle and the Five Medals, and do herebycertify, that they are taken down with ac-curacy.WILLIAM WELLS, (Interpreter)and Agent for Indian affairs. Proceedings of the first Conference.A member of the society of Friends open-ed the conference by addressing thechiefs as follows: Brothers and Friends,I AM desirous that in the early partof this opportunity, you may be inform-ed, that the people called Quakers con-sider all mankind as their brethren; thatthey believe the Great Spirit and Fatherof Mankind created all men of one blood;and that it is the will of Him who alsocreated the Sun, the Moon and the Stars,and causes them to give us light—thatGreat Spirit and common Father of allMankind—that we should not do oneanother hurt, but that we should do oneanother all the good we can; and it ison this ground and this principle thatwe believe it tight to take you by thehand. After sitting a short time in silence,another Friend addressed them as fol-lows:-- Brothers and Friends,We the people called Quakers believethat it is required of us, that we shouldall love one another, however separatedwe may be in our local settlements in theworld, or whatever difference there maybe in our color: And as we are convinc-ed it is not in our power to perform ourreligious duties to Him that hath createdus, without his assistance, so we conceiveit to be our duty, when we are about toenter upon such weighty business as I ap-prehend this is, thus to sit down in stillness,in order to endeavor to feel after the operationof his spirit in our hearts, and we believethat this cannot be attained by our ownnatural powers, but must be under the in-fluence of the Good Spirit. We also be-lieve that there is an evil spirit, which is al-ways striving to lead us into wrong things:that Spirit which leads us to hate and de-story one another: and in this persuasionof mind, we believe it necessary for usto sit down in stillness and quiet, towait upon the Great Spirit. Under theseimpressions we are concerned often to as-semble ourselves together, that we mayindividually come under an exercise andconcern, to be rightly directed inour re-ogious movements; and once in the yearwe assemble at certain places, in order tohave a general and full conference, toknow how things are amongst us as apeople. One of these meetings is heldat Philadelphia and another at Baltimore.At our yearly meeting at Baltimore se-veral years past, our minds were broughtunder a concern on behalf of our bre-thren the Indians; and remembering thefriendship that had subsisted between oursociety and the Indians, from the firstsettlement of our fathers upon this con-tinent, and at the same time recollectingthat the country to the westward wasfast settling, apprehensions arose in ourmind, that as the game became scarce,they would be brought under sufferings,and as there had been long wars betweensome of the white people and the Indi-ans, we had not had, for a long time,an opportunity of taking our brothers,the Indians, by the hand. Now, bro-thers, as we were thus led by the con-cern that arose in our council, some ofus were appointed to go out into thewilderness, and endeavor to get amongstour brethren the Indians, that we mighthave some talk with them; and amongstthose who were appointed, this my bro-ther, who sits at my right hand, wasone: and I have thought that he per-haps can give a more full account bothof the time, and of our first movementsat the concern. The Friend alluded to then proceed-ed:-- Brothers,About six years ago, we believe theGood Spirit put into our hearts, at ourgreat council held in this town, to endea-vor to do something for the Indians; andabout four years ago, two others, besidesmyself, went over the Great Mountainswestward, in order to see your situation,and to know your disposition, whether youwould receive any thing from us or not.We wished to go to Sandusky, expectingto find the greatest number of Indians atthat place. We could not get a guide tillwe got to the forks of Scioto, where weagreed with one to take us to Isaac Zane’s.--At that place we were informed thata number of chiefs were at Detroit.—We sent for some Wyandot chiefs who re-sided about 25 miles from Isaac Zane’s,and had a conference with them. We in-formed them of the desire our society hadto do something for the Indians that wouldbe useful to them. From thence we wentto Upper Sandusky—Isaac Zane pilotedus, and there also had a conference withsome of the Delaware chiefs. We want-ed to know whether they would be wil-ling to be instructed on their own landsin a way to procure a sufficiency for themto eat; to have a mill to grind their corn’and have their children instructed to readand write. They informed us that theycould not give us an answer at that time,but would lay our proposals before theircouncil. About three years ago we received aspeech and a belt of Wampum from acouncil held at Detroit; the speech didnot contain an answer to the proposalsmade to them, but an invitation to us toattend their council.—[A short pause:]The Little Turtle, chief of the Miamis,said, “Brother,It is not usual for us to interrupt anyOne in speaking, but I wish to enquirefrom whom the speech you mention came."The speech was then produced, and thenames to it read. –-Little Turtle, adds, I see that our brothers, the Quakers,are not so fully acquainted with the situ-ation of the Indians as we wish. Afterwe have taken the great chief of thewhite people by the hand, I hope he willgive you full information with respect tous.The friend who had been interrupted, thenproceeded: