the United States. At that time any com-munications our Brothers wish to make totheir red brethren, will be safely handed tous by your white brother, our interpreternow with us, who is our agent at thatplace. He then sits down—after a short pauserises again, Brothers,I must add a few words further: I findthat I have not fully answered all thequestions that our brothers have put to us. Brothers and Friends,It is the real wish of your brothers theIndians, to engage in the cultivation of ourlands—And although the game is not yetso scarce, but that we can get enough toeat, we know it is becoming scarce, andthat we must begin to take hold of suchtools as we see are in the hands of thewhite people. Brothers and Friends,We are now on our way to see the greatchiefs of the Americans at their council.We are glad to find that they remembertheir red brethren, and rejoice to believethat the Great Spirit has put it into theheart of the great chief of the white peo-ple to do us such services as will add to thecomfort of his red children. Brothers and Friends,I will now only add, that I rejoice tobelieve that your friendship to your redbrethren is a friendship that is pure—afriendship that comes from the heart—Youwant no compensation from the Indiansfor your services to them. You do notwant to take away our lands from us—you have always made use of this languageto us; and it has always been with plea-sure that I have communicated it to ourbrethren. Brothers, we are a jealouslydisposed people—almost every white manthat comes amongst us, endeavors all hecan to cheat us; this has occasioned jeal-ousy among us. But your talks, brothers,are different; we believe you, when yousay you want no compensation from us,for your services to your red brethren. Sits down. Five Medals, chief of the Pattawattamies,rises: Friends and Brothers,I rejoice to hear that you have so muchcompassion on your red brethren. As myfriend the Little Turtle has observed, it isnot the first time that we have received to-kens of friendship from you. It is someyears since the treaty of Grenville, wherewe first experienced the friendship of ourbrothers, the Quakers. Some time afterthe treaty, my friend the Little Turtlevisited the great council of the white peo-ple held at Philadelphia; he there saw ourfriends and brothers, the Quakers—Hewas there informed of their good wishes,and of the great friendship they had fortheir red brethren. He returned homeand informed of all the great talks he hadwith our brothers, the Quakers, of Phila-delphia. It is truly pleasing to me, Brothers, tohear the same talks my friend had inform-ed me of, now repeated on my arrival atBaltimore by our friends and brothers theQuakers. I hope, Brothers, that the Great Spi-Rit, who has the disposal of men will assistyou in your laudable undertakings, andenable you to be of service to your redBrethren. Friends and Brothers,The talks that you have now deliveredto us shall be carefully collected, wrappedup, and put in our hearts—we will not for-get them. On our return home we willhave them communicated from the head tothe mouth of the Wabasu—from this tothe Missisippi, and up that river until itstrikes the Lakes, thence round by Michil-limackanack until they come back againto the same place. What we say to you,you may be assured does not come from oneman—it comes from many—and what youhave said to us, you speak it to but afew, but it shall be communicated to many. Brothers and Friends,I observed to our friends the Quakersof Philadelphia, five days ago, what Inow say to you—That we wish our bro-thers, the Quakers, to render us thoseservices which they have proposed. Wepromise that nothing shall be wanting onour part to give aid to so desirable athing in our country. Our situation atpresent will not admit of carrying sucha plan so fully into execution as mightbe desired by our brothers; but that, Ihope, will not prevent you from makingtrial. If we had such tools as you makeuse of and which add so much to yourcomfort—for we have been lost in wonderat what we have seen amongst you—ifwe had these instruments, we should, Ihope, be willing to use them; and in thecourse of a little time, there would bepeople amongst us that would know wellhow to use them, through the assistancethey might obtain from you and the restof our white friends. Brothers and Friends,Whatever goods you may have in storefor your red brothers, we cannot but wishthat you will shew them to us as soonas possible. That we can yet live uponthe game of our country, is true; butwe know that this will not be the caselong. Brothers, from the great things andthe astonishing wonders which we haveseen among you, and finding that theyall come out of the earth, it makes me anx-ious to try if I cannot get some for my-self. I hope, brothers, that by the aidof the Great Spirit, and of our friendsand brothers, the Quakers, together withthe government of the United States, thatwe shall yet be enabled to get these goodthings for ourselves—such as will makeus, our women, and our children happy. Brothers,We do not know what our brothers, theQuakers of Philadelphia, may have in con-templation to do for their red brethren, butwe hope it will be something that will addto our comfort; we hope it will be some-thing by which we shall profit; somethingby which we shall be enabled to cultivateour lands, and live by the fruits of theearth. We have been walking in a thornypath; we want to get into your track andfollow it; and the sooner this is put intoour power, I am convinced the better itwill be for our red brethren. Brothers and Friends,I have not much to say further; whathas now been said to you is the voiceof the Pattawattamy, Miami, Delaware,Shawanese, Weas, Eel-River, Pianka-Shaw, Kickapoo, and Kaskaskias tribesof Indians. I rejoice, brothers, that wenow know each other, and hope if you haveany thing to communicate to your redbrethren, that it will come to us throughyour brother, William Wells, our inter-preter, who resides in our country. Wecan place great confidence in him: Heif the only white man in our country wewill trust; we shall then get it, and donow assure you, that is shall be faithfullysent to all these people, in the manneryou wish it to be. Brothers and Friends,I hope the Great Spirit will assist youin your undertakings to do your redbrethren good. Your movements towardsthe Wyandots have not met with thatsuccess which they have deserved. Itmakes me sorry to find an answer formthem of the kind you have mentioned.There is a great deal, brothers, in hav-ing a good interpreter, and beginning at theright end of the business. [The proceedings of the second conference willappear in our next.]