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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


as the obstructions that have heretofore preventedFriends from moving forward in extending toThe Western Indians the benefits, some years agocontemplated by the Yearly Meeting appear to benow removed,--but the distant situation of manyof the committee from each other—the difficulty andeven impracticability of obtaining a generalMeeting with the Core state of the friends have indu-ced us to believe that it may be right for us to submitthe subject to the Consideration of the Meeting forsufferings for their Cordial sympathy advice, and ifthey may believe it right their co-operation Signed Evan Thomas John McKim David Brown Elias Ellicott Moses Dillon Jonathan Wright Geo. Ellicott Joel Wright At a Meeting of the Committee 8th 2 Mon 1803 The Committee being encouraged by the Meeting forSufferings. Evan Thomas Geo Ellicott &; Joel Wright areappointed to procure implements of Husbandry andother useful articles for the benefit of the Indians—the amount not to excede four Hundred Dollarsand endeavour to have them reasonably conveyed to theneighbourhood of fort Wayne &; report to the next meeting