operations being near at hand, required that weshould make haste. They replied that our reasons forwishing them to meet early were very good and thatthey would meet us on the 11 of the 4 Month At that time we were met by several of theirchiefs a considerable number of their principal youngmen as also several of their women—when they informedus that they were ready to hear any communicationsfrom us and as they had previously requested, thatwhat we had to say might be put upon Paper, thatthey might communicate our words, to the Indianswhen generally assembled we delivered to them, throughthe Interpreter the following address The address of George Ellicott &; Gerard T. Hopkinson behalf of the people called Quakers at Baltimore tothe Little Turtle and the Five Medals chiefs of the Miamiand Pottowattomi Nations of Indians Brothers &; Friends We know that most of ourred brethren are at present at their hunting Camps &;at their Sugar Camps and did not expect to see ma-ny of them upon so short a notice, therefore as you re-quested it we have put upon paper the things we hadto say and hope you will not fail to have our wordscommunicated when at some future time you may bemore generally assembled BrothersWhen we were together eight days ago