with the Little Turtle and the Five Medals theletter was read to them, which has just now been readthat letter you observe, says that we were appointedby our friends and brothers the people called Quakers atBaltimore to come and visit you and to take you bythe hand on their behalf desiring that you woldreceive any communications from us, as comingimmediately from them BrothersAfter that letter was read our hearts werefilled with so much love for our red brethren thaton looking over and considering the business uponwhich we had come, we felt a desire to see as manyof you together as could be convened and this daywas then agreed upon for us to meet you BrothersWe believed that the things whichwe had to say were of great importance to thewelfare of our red brethren, and therefore it was that werequested to see you together, that you all mighthave an opportunity of hearing what we have to say BrothersOur hearts are filled with thankfulnessto the great Spirit, that he has brought us safely tothe Country of our red brethren, and protected usthrough our journey, we also rejoice that he has given us this opportunity of seeing you and of takingyou by the hand BrothersIt is now a little more than two