years since your brothers of Baltimore had an oppor-tunity of becoming acquainted with their brothersthe Five Medals, Little Turtle, Tuthinepee and some otherchiefs, they were glad of that opportunity of having atalk with them and of enquiring after the situationof their red brethren BrothersYour brothers of Baltimore had forsome time entertained apprehensions that the manychanges which were taking place in circumstancesmust greatly alter the situation of their red brethrenand that the time was fast approaching in which iswould be necessary for them to change there modeof living BrothersAfter the talk with the chiefs whomwe have just mentioned we were fully convinced thatthe time was come in which our red brethren oughtto begin to cultivate their lands, that they ought toraise Corn and other grain, Cows, Sheep, Hogs, &; otherAnnimals, we then proposed to afford them some assis-tance, they appeared to be glad of the proposal andinformed us that many of their people were disposed toturn their attention to the cultivation of the Earth--they also expressed a desire to be assisted by theirbrothers of Baltimore BrothersHaving been encouraged by the opportu-nity which we then had with our red brothers, we sentto the care of William Wells some plows, harness for Horsesaxes hoes and other implements of Husbandry, which were