you have said to us—to our women and to our children BrothersWhen we saw you with the rest of our brothersin Baltimore upwards of two years ago, I expect yo recollectperfectly the conversation between us at that time andplace, I there with my brother chiefs told you, thatwe were glad to find you, so much, disposed to assist usand our women &; children, we told you that your goodwishes should be make known to all your red brethrenin this country—this has been done BrothersEver since that time I as well as some otherof my brother chiefs have been endeavouring to turnthe minds of our people towards the cultivation of theEarth but I am sorry to say we have not yet been able toeffect any thing BrothersAs many of our chiefs and principalpeople are not present we could not now undertake togive you any pointed answer. We expect in a fewmoons there will be many of our people together at thattime it will be proper that we should return you ananswer to all the Subjects you now mention to us BrothersThe things you have said to us require ourgreatest attention—it appears to be really necessarywe should deliberate upon them. In order to do so wemust beg you to leave the paper upon which they arewritten that we may communicate them to our chiefswhen they assemble BrothersAll the things you have said to day werecertainly calculated for our good, you have enumerated