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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


of the place as also with the soil, it being equal infertility to any land in the western Country. Near itare two good seats for Mills, one on the Wabash, with-out injuring its navigation and the other on a handsome stream ½ a mile below. We may addthat this place is situated between 30 &; 40 miles S.W. ofFort Wayne, after viewing the Land adjacent, stakingout the place for Philip to build his house and pointingout the place for him to clear and enclose &;c &;c we re-turned to Fort Wayne On the 15 (having previously concluded to returnby Detroit and thence across the lake) we commenced ourjourney homewards and descended the Miami of theLake to the ottoway river then down the same to LakeErie and thence to detroit, in this Distance we had anopportunity of observing several Villages of the Shawaneseand Ottoway Indians as also several villages belongingto the Wyandot (Huron) Indians one in particular at which we spent a little time contains about 100 familiesand is known by the name of Browns Town &; the Rock--at this village they have made greater progress incivilization than any other of the Western Indians—They have comfortable dwelling houses, 200 head of Cattle--make Butter &; Cheese, have horses &; Hogs, raise a sufficiencyof corn &; oats &;c &;c we here saw one barn well filled withwheat in the Straw, the land they cultivate is enclosedunder good fences &; they have also Peach &; apple orchards