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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


complaint so that it was with difficulty he couldgo about, which has no doubt disabled him from do-ing as much as he other ways would have done. Heinforms that he had between 16 &; 20 acres of landenclosed under a substancial fence 8 rails high, andthat he had planted about 8 acres of corn, whichlooked very well—since which we have received an-other letter from him dated 8 Mo 26 which informsthat he has enjoyed a good state of health since hehad recovered from the complaint above mentionedthat his situation was a healthy one and that thesprings of water were very good—he further states thathis corn made an excellent appearance, having 2 &; 3Ears on a stalk that he had sown one acre in Tur-nips which looked well, that a number of Indianshad been encamped near him for the purpose ofhunting, that only one family had setled perma-nently at his station which onsisted on 7 grown personswho he says have been industrious and attended tohis directions, that the Indians have been friendly &;some of them very sociable, and that 55 Eal riverIndians had been at his station, who acknowledgedthat his corn was equal to any they had ever seen onthe Wabash. He also says he has had a conferencewith Samuel the principal chief of the Eal river Indianswho informed him that he expects the Indians of hisvillage will settle at his station, and further informs