had spoken on different subjects—The little Turtlespoke as follows To the Quakers of BaltimoreMy Brothers &; FriendsWe were glad to see our friendsthat came from you better than 2 moons ago, wewere glad to find it had pleased the great spiritto keep you in the same mind you were in whenwe spoke to you in Baltimore Brothers &; FriendsI told you when you delivedyour speech to us at this place I was sorry therewere not more of our people convened to hear youI told you your brothers were thankful for theTools of agriculture you sent for us to the careof William Wells. I told you my brothers, thatyour talk should be delivered to all your redbrethren on their first meeting at this place BrothersYour talk was delivered to us byour friend Wm. Wells two days ago you will seethe answer to it of out grandfathers made yesterdaywhich informs you we are thankful for the kindnessyou offer, and it is their wish you would continueyour kindness towards them. We the Miamies &;Pottowattomies also take you by the hand &; assureyou we thank you for the goodness you have had inoffering to afford your red brethren assistance—a thingthey are so much in need of