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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


reason to expect. That a number of the Indiansappear very much inclined to cultivate the Earth &;no longer depend on their accustomed precariousmode of procuring subsistence The different Nations or tribes of Indiansinhabiting the country N.W. of the river Ohio are num-rous &; much dispersed in their situations, amongstthem are these that have fallen under our particularnotice. The Delaware Nation now inhabit thesame Country but were originally from theshores of the Delaware river and respecting whom acommittee who went into their Country about 5 yearssince were requested to make some enquiry on behalf ofthe Indian committee of Philadelphia. These this com-mittee have considered as coming more properly underyour notice By information received from our last deputationthe Delawares are now very much disposed to receivesuch information and assistance as their white brethrenmay be disposed to render them, this appears to be the decided determination of the most antient &; influentialof their chiefs and the much increasing wish of theiryoung men. This nation are numerous &; compactlysetled on the white river a branch of the Wabashdistant about 100 Miles west from the settlement of Friendson the miamie