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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


Adjourned to the 7th hour tomorrow evening 2 Mo 4 —The committeeagain met present 18 Members The sub-committee produced the followingreport To the Committee on Indian concerns We the Sub-committee appointed to act in therecess of this committee, inform, that since the reportmade by the friends who visited the Indians, our friendPhilip Dennis who remained with them during the pastseason has returned with them during the pastseason has returned. He informs us that he spentthe season agreeably with them and was favouredto enjoy a good portion of health whilst there—He raised 400 bushels of corn but this was not dividedwhen he left that Country on account of the dispersedsituation of the Indians, he had however secured itin substantial well covered cribs, and had engagedWilliam Wells to attend with the chiefs appointedto make the distribution &; has no doubt but it willbe equitably divided on the return of the Indiansfrom their hunting Camps. He also raised TurnipsPotatoes, Cucumbers, Water Melons, Pumpkins, BeansParsnips &; other garden vegetables and left at thefarm he had been cultivating (with the family ofIndians with whom he resided) 23 Hogs &; Pigs 7 of whichwere in good order to kill, and would weigh 1500 lbs