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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


these he engaged William Wells to attend to thekilling &; Salting of they were small when brought tothe farm in the spring and had no other food thanwhat they gathered in the woods. He also built ahouse 32 feet long &; 17 feet wide 1 ½ stories high, withfloors and partitions—one end of which he finished He further informs that the Indians who remainedwith him were very industrious and attended to his directionsthat the young women wished to work out in preparing theground and in tending the corn from which he haddissuaded them. And as some spinning wheels had justarrived at Fort Wayne which had been sent on bygovernment he had encouraged these young women togo there and learn to spin &; knot of a woman thathappened to be there—this they did and soon learnedboth to spin &; knit and that he left them knitting yarnof their own spinning and gives it as his opinion thatthere is encouragement for friends to persevere. Aconsiderable number of Eal river Indians are about tosettle near the place he cultivated. This being it thatcountry has been attended with considerable expence butshould another person go out to them the disbursementneed not be as great a considerable piece of land beingnow enclosed and a house built. He also informs thatone of his horses died a few days before he left that countryand that previous to his departure he was with a number