Baltimore 2 Mo 3 1806 At a Meeting of the Committee on Indian Concernspresent 13 members The following communication from Tarhie (the Crane)Rohshawoh (walk on the Water) Yonierro (the Crow) and otherson behalf of the Wyandot Nation of Indians, wasproduced and read Brethren Quakers listen! Some time since a committee ofseven men were sent to us by your Society at Baltimore--the occasion of their coming was to attend to thebusiness we were speaking of when I was at Baltimorethe next spring there were letters sent out and the com-mittee came out least the letters should have beenlost, that they might communicate the same thingssent in them, i e BrothersThe reasons of our coming are we notknowing but that the letters might be lost, for inthose letters, were contained all the information;How it happened when we got first acquainted withthe Dellaware Nation your Nephew, now our designis to do something for the Delaware &; Wyandot Nationsas we love them more than any others, at the sametime we express our friendship for all Nations; TheQuakers have taken up a plan for doing somethingfor the Delaware and Wyandot People. As you havetwo fathers, the President of the United States and