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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


King of England, who give you presents every year--the President gives 1000 $ annually, we have a designto go on the same footing, and give $1000 a year, ifthe chiefs our Brothers would accept of it. We tellyou brothers we want to take care of you and giveyou good things, the goods we shall give you areof our own make, they will be good and of morevalue than those the President gives, if the chiefs com-ply with our offer we desire them to come to Balt.as you know that place; if the chiefs find it toodifficult for them to come to Baltimore, we wishthem to write an answer back to us as soon asthey can and deliver the letter to Zane’s Ville toWilliam MCulloh, or at Wheeling to Col. Zanethey will take the letters safe for they are Quakers. Wewish the Delaware and Wyandot Nation, and allthe other Nations not to harbor any suspicion, ofour wanting to get any of your land, or receive anypayment in money or any other way, we do it ourof compassion Brothers for you, it has been medi-tated on ever since the Treaty of Grenville, we havealso got the Presidents permit,--These matters are setledand we have now got $100 on hand towards buildingyou a Mill, we will also help you in cultivatingyour lands and in building houses—another thingbrothers we wish you to send some of your childrento us, and we will school them and give them learningas the Wyandots are the only Nation that have no