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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


It being evident that the views of Friendstowards their Nations have been greatly misre-presented, and no such letter as they appear tohave received ever having been addressed to themby us, their communication is refered to the sub-Committee who are directed to write them asuitable reply to it A letter was received from William Wells dated10 Mo 4 1805—in which he says Agreeably to thedirections of the committee, I have employed a manto assit the Indians in cultivating the field on theWabash which was cleared and cultivated by Phi-lip Dennis last year, the Indians with this mansassistance have raised, it is supposed at least 600bushels of good corn, from this one field exclu-sive of what they have raised from ground oftheir own clearing Many of the oldest of the Eel river &; WeasIndians, have removed and setled at that placewhere they will be followed by the younger branchesof their Tribes in the ensuing spring He adds believing as I do that the Society ofFriends are desirous of ameliorating the situationof their Red Brethren in this Country, I will takethe liberty to observe that the present is a veryfavourable time, to put in execution, their be-nevolent views towards the distressed Natives ofthis land and that much good may be done on