concerns present 14 Members The Sub-committee informed that they hadagreeably to the instructions of this committee atour meeting in the 2nd Month last, returned thefollowing answer to the communication at thattime received from the chiefs of the Wyandot andDelaware Nations of Indians to wit To Tarhic, Roshawoh, Yoniero and otherchiefs of the Wyandot &; Delaware nations of IndiansBrothers We have just received a speech fromyou dated at upper Sandusky July 27th 1805 Brothers!We are sorry to perceive by this speechthat our intentions towards you have been greatlymisrepresented—we suppose the interpreters betweenus did not understand our language suffice-ently well to explain to you our meaningas we have not written any letter conveying to you theoffers you mention, nor has any person authorizedby us, ever held out any such proposals, asyou appear to think you have received—the onlyletter we ever wrote to you, we herewith send youan exact copy of, by reading of it you will seethe reasons why we have not given you more assis-tance Brothers!The misrepresentations which have