Our young men will upon all occasions advisewith thee upon the important objects of their visitThy willingness to promote our benevolent purposeswe have in time past fully proven, and have nohesitation in believing that thy best exertions willbe used to further our views towards the Indiansany attention paid to our young men will beparticularly acknowledged by us, and whateverexpences may be incured through thy agency ontheir and our account we will cheerfully pay In a letter lately received from thee, wenotice a description of sundrey tools necessary forthe Indians, we are obliged for the information, theseason is now perhaps too far advanced for themto be made and forwarded in time, to be usefulthe present summer, we shall however not neglectthe information We hope to receive continued proofs of thyinterest in our undertaking by the reception ofsuch accounts from time to time as may be in thypower to furnish us With our best wishes for thy welfare and thewelfare of our worthy young men, we remain withsincere respect Thy friendsSigned on behalf of our committee on IndianConcerns By Evan Thomas Elisha Tyson Geo Ellicott Gerard T. Hopkins