From a committee of the Society of Friendsof Baltimore, appointed to promote the Welfare ofour Indian Brethren To the Little Turtle, Five Medals, Legrie&; TuthinipeeBrothers and Friends It has been very pleasing tous, to be informed of the progress made by ourRed brethren in the cultivation of the Earth.You remember, brothers, we have before told youthat amongst other advantages, the cultivationof the Earth will lead you to have fixed homesthat you will build comfortable dwelling Housesand will live in ease and plenty—All this wehope you are begining to see is true—As aproof of the continuance of our sincere desirefor your welfare, we now send to succeed PhilipDennis Two of our beloved young men, WilliamKirk who is one of our committee and his brotherMahlow Kirk, to reside with you during thesummer, They are desired by us to render you allthe assistance and information in their power, inorder to promote your welfare. We believe bro-thers, that you will make their situation a-mongst you as comfortable as circumstances willadmit of and hope that you will be disposed toregard the instruction which they may offer you